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If you're in a career path you don't love, thinking 'WHAT'S NEXT'?! I've got you. Life is too damn short to waste it away in a career that doesn't fill you up! In my benchmark 'Compass Your Career' program, we work to identify your longterm career goals (aka your "North Star"), your immediate next career step to get your there, and the practical tools to get you where you want to go. All the while, working on the mindset to set you up for watch-out-world success. Fun fact: my mom is an OG career coach, and she's passed on all her wisdom to me!


Moving to a new country can be scary and overwhel ing. I get it! Having lived in 3 different countries across three different continents (Europe, Asia and LATAM), I intimately know what it takes to thrive in a new foreign home. Pulling from my experience teaching Cross-Cultural Communications Courses in Asia, my ICF Certified Coaching expertise, and my personal experience moving around the world 3 times, I coach people to not only have a smooth transition overseas, but to truly thrive - both professionally and personally. 

Finally ready to commit to your dream of becoming a digital nomad? Let's make it happen. I combine my career coaching expertise, remote career experience, and personal life experience working as a digital nomad to help you build your remote career, make the move to kickstart your life of freedom and adventure, and thrive on your adventure. Ready, set... let's jet!


Working with people from around the world, but not quite sure how to best communicate? There are soooo many nuances to effective cross-cultural communication. Leveraging my professional experience living and working in 3 continents around the world, I deliver corporate workshops and 1:1 coaching to help professionals be able to not only connect with their colleagues from around the world, but build long-lasting, meaningful and impactful relationships.


Life can get you in a rut. And if you don't do something big to get yourself out, you'll stay there. I coach driven professionals to re-spark that sparkle inside of them, rediscover the things they LOVE in life, and re-introduce soul-smiling joy back into their every day. The result? A more energized, magnetic, joyful you that brings your best into everything you do - from work to your home life.

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