Career Transitions
You need a change. Maybe you're burnt out in your current career, or maybe you just find yourself thinking "is this it?" or "where the heck am I headed?". If that sounds like you, I've got good news: that career that will light you up every day is there. We just have to uncover it! That's exactly what we do in my 90-Day Compass Your Career coaching program. You get clarity on where you're headed with your career, the mindset & confidence to wholeheartedly go for it, and the action plan to successfully get you there. Together, we'll deep dive into your "Zone of Genius" - that is, your passions, skills, talents & purpose, to design and unlock your uniquely-you, dream career, that gives you your dream life.
An Overview of the 'Zone of Genius' and How it can Guide you to your Soul Work
Here's a secret: every single one of us has "soul work". That is, work that will feed our soul, light us up in the morning, and energize us to do our very best work every day. We all have a very special unique blend of ingredients that make us us, and I help you uncover that, match it to your soul work, and map it out with some deep insights from what we call your "Zone of Genius".
Ok, hold on: what the heck is this so called "Zone of Genius"?! This idea, popularized by Gay Hendricks in his book The Big Leap, emphasizes focusing on your unique blend of passions, talents and purpose to drive how you fill your days. Here’s how to use this concept as a compass to steer your career—and your life—toward fulfillment and success.
Understanding the "Zone of Genius"
Together, we deep dive into your "Zone of Genius" - that is, the intersection of your innate talents, passions and purpose. Don't what that is off the top of your head? Think you have no passions or talents? I beg to differ. That is exactly what we uncover together, and then bring it all together into one clear, concise, energizing career path. Here's how you can dive in yourself to get those career transition wheels turning!
Reflect on these questions
What activities make you lose track of time? Think about the moments when you’re so absorbed in what you’re doing that hours pass without you noticing.
What do people consistently praise you for? Identify the compliments and recognition you receive from others, especially those that come effortlessly to you.
What activities give you energy? Pay attention to what leaves you feeling invigorated rather than drained.
When do you feel most alive? Consider the tasks or projects that make you feel enthusiastic and motivated.
What motivates you the most: money, recognition, freedom or impact? This folds into your purpose and will serve as a key driver for how you construct your dream career.
These are just a few questions to get those wheels turning.
Evaluate Your Current Role Against Your Answers
What in your current role are you currently doing? What could you be doing more of? I bet you there are some passions and skills of yours that you could sneak into your current day job to give you an extra boost of serotonin, motivation and excitement - think of this as a placeholder while we transition you until the ultimate soul-smiling, awesome, next big thing.
Map it to What's Next in Your Career
Ok, so once have done a deep dive into your passions, talents, and purpose, we'll map it out to what's next. Here's a little pro-tip you can do on your own: write out a comprehensive list of your passions, talents and purpose, and then drop it into our good ol' friend Chatgpt with the prompt "what career paths would match this profile?". You'll still have to do some soul searching to find the concrete path for you, but it will give you some fun and inspiring food for thought.
Here's a little insight I've seen with dozens of my career coaching clients: that thing you ultimately want to do (whether it's transitioning to a new role or starting your own business) is right in front of you. It's not new. You've thought of it before. It's just mustering up the "I CAN F*CKING DO IT* confidence to go for it, and then, actually go for it with full gusto.
Speaking of Mindset
Ah yes, mindset. You could have the world's most perfect, complete, step-by-step career plan, with the world's most knockout resume, LinkedIn profile, business plan, etc. etc. - but if your mindset is stuck in a deep, dark, wallowing pit of "I can'ts", "what ifs" and fears, you're going to stay stuck, exactly where you are.
Think of your career clarity as the seed, and mindset as the water and sun it needs to actually grow into the tree it was destined to become.
Together, we'll identify what those mindset blockers are - from limiting beliefs (ex: "I have no skills", or "no one will pay me for this") to fears ("what if I fail" or "what if I lose all my money") - and reframe them to set you up for HERE I AM WORLD sucess.
It's action time, baby!
You've got the clarity. You've got the mindset. Now, it's ACTION! You make it real, and I help you stay accountable along the way with bite size action items.
The truth is, once you take action, that's when the real magic happens. You prove to yourself that yes, yes you can be and do whatever the heck it is you can dream up.
An idea written down is a goal. A goal with steps is a plan. And a plan acted on becomes reality.
Ready to compass your career?
Three months, one Zone of Genius deep dive, lots of clarity, a reframed mindset, and boat loads of action later, here you are, world. The uplevelled, re-vitalized, re-energized, Y-O-U.
Ready to fall in love with where you're headed?